Posts Tagged ‘Anger’

What Did I Do?

What Did I Do - Cheryl Woolstone Counselling Blog

Your partner is angry and and you ask, “What Did I Do?”

Your tone is a dead give away whether you are defensive or curious. Do you respond or react?

So which will get you to a deeper understanding of yourself and your partner? I know, that question is a set up, the answer is obvious. And the answer is always the harder route. Read more »

Remove The Thorns From Your Heart

Remove The Thorns From Your Heart - Resentment - Cheryl Woolstone Counselling Blog

Resentment and anger have amphetaminic effects.

They provide an immediate surge of energy and a numbing of pain – a feeling of personal power, which is a cover for underlying feelings of helplessness and inadequacy.

The upside of any amphetamine is that you get the powerful surge of confidence, but it is followed by an equally powerful crash. You drop down even lower than where you started. Read more »

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