Posts Tagged ‘Imago Dialogue’

I Win – We Lose

I Win, We Lose - Cheryl Woolstone Counselling Blog Post

Do you have to be right at all costs?

Is your need to win destroying your relationship?

Try to win and you will both lose – every time, guaranteed.

There is one simple idea that can transform your relationship: Be more interested in understanding your partner than in winning an argument.

Embrace this principle, save yourself heartache and massive counselling or legal bills. Read more »

What Not To Say

What Not to Say - Cheryl Woolstone Counselling Blog

There are a number of ways to blow it…

…Especially when your partner is upset about something – her job, your mother, his health, your relationship.

Here is what not to say or do when your partner  is upset…. Read more »

The Power of Connection

This video is amazing!

Take the time to watch. You are guaranteed to learn from this inspirational talk.

IMAGO Therapist and innovator Hedy Schleifer was invited to give a prestigious TED Talk on the Power of Connection.

If you want deeper insight into IMAGO Couples Dialogue, this is for you.

Check out the video after the jump:

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I Said I Was Sorry!

What Makes For A Good Apology - Cheryl Woolstone Counselling Blog

Why does the apology fall flat?

Your heart was in the right place and your intention was pure…what went wrong?

Apology is an art form, one which can be learned.  There are some fundamental ingredients which form the basis of a genuine, non-defensive, responsible apology. Read more »

What Is Imago Relationship Therapy?

What Is Imago Therapy - Cheryl Woolstone Counselling Blog

“We wish we could bring you home!”

Before beginning my training as an IMAGO Relationship Therapist I would hear this from my couples.

Couples would leave the sessions with insight about their relationship dynamic, ideas about what to do differently but feeling ill equipped to change their behaviour in a tense moment.

I practiced traditional couples therapy for well over a decade before beginning my training in Imago Relationship Therapy. The differences in outcome for couples has been amazing! Couples are given new skills, new ways of listening and relating.

What does the term IMAGO mean? What is IMAGO Relationship Therapy? Here is the Coles Notes version… Read more »

Support, Not Control

Support, Not Control - Cheryl Woolstone Counselling Blog

I want to feel like I have someone who has my back.

This is the dream that couples are chasing after. The nightmare begins when attempts to “support” our partner become controlling gestures.

How does support get confused with control? Read more »

Empathy - Please Take Your Shoes Off

Empathy: Please Take Your Shoes Off - Cheryl Woolstone Counselling Blog

Take your shoes off and transform your relationship

Taking your shoes off means that you have to suspend your world view, cross over the bridge into your partner’s world and imagine what they might be feeling.

All you can do is guess. It is the intention to try and understand what your partner is experiencing that makes the impact. Read more »

Closed Heart, Fixed Agenda

Closed Heart - Fixed Agenda - Cheryl Woolstone Counselling Blog

You can be right or you can be in relationship:

Take your pick.

Let go of the attachment of being right and suddenly your mind is more open. You can benefit from the unique viewpoints of others without being crippled and limited by your own judgment.

When we move away from the need to be right and the necessity to have our perspective dominate the relationship then we are ready to learn the art of validation. Read more »

The Transformative Power of IMAGO Dialogue

The Transformational Power of IMAGO Dialogue - Cheryl Woolstone Counselling Blog

So, what I heard you say is…

…that every time I show up late you feel that I don’t love you and that you are very low on my priority list.

“Did I get that?”  “Is there more to that?”

Imagine hearing that from your partner when you are upset and angry. Read more »

Ineffective Communication 101

Ineffective Communication 101 - Cheryl Woolstone Counselling Blog

Under stress, communication often breaks down.

People end up doing and saying a lot of unpleasant and nasty things to their partner.

We all have patterned ways of reacting when feeling threatened, inadequate or fearful, which sabotage the possibility of connection and clarity.

We bring these patterned responses into our relationships. Often the learning begins in our family of origin. Read more »

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