Posts Tagged ‘Change’

It’s Your Mother’s Fault

It's Your Mother's Fault - Cheryl Wooolstone Counselling Blog

How quickly do you bounce back from a fight?

Do you transition easily back into connection or do you find yourself acting like a wilful toddler? Read more »

Move Past A “Rotten” Childhood

Move Past your Rotten Childhood - Cheryl Woolstone Counselling Blog

Get a new story, no victim mentality.

Check out this article, 7 Best Pieces of Advice For People Who Want To Move Past A Rotten Childhood, by Tracy McMillan, writer for the hit TV series, Mad Men.

Ms. McMillan is no stranger to difficulty with a father with spent most of his time in jail and a prostitute mother who abandoned her. Her advice is brilliant and right to the point.

Unplug And Re-Connect

Unplug and Re-Connect - Cheryl Woolstone Counselling Blog

How is technology affecting your relationship?

Are you distracted, impatient and more interested in your friends on Facebook or Twitter than your partner or family?

Attachment to our Blackberries, iPhones, Facebook, and Twitter are a source of hurt and frustration between couples. Read more »

Say Goodbye to Resentment

Say Goodbye to Resentment - Cheryl Woolstone counselling Blog

“Resentment is the poison you swallow hoping the other person will die.”

This graphic quote from actress Carrie Fisher, reminds us that we are hurting ourselves when we resent another person, and we are giving them control over our emotional state.

Want to loosen the grip of resentment and embrace forgiveness, here are some ideas… Read more »

Should You Stay or Go?

Should You Stay or Should You Go? - Cheryl Woolstone Counselling Blog Post

Relationship decisions can be agonizing.

Deciding whether or not to keep trying is hard, particularly when there are children involved.

Should You Stay or Should You Go? a Huffington Post article by Christine Carter PhD, describes four types of relationship problems in an attempt to simplify the decision-making process.

Check out her article, it may help you make sense of your situation.

Personal Power

Personal Power - Cheryl Woolstone Counselling Blog

Would you rather feel powerful or be powerful?

When it comes to our relationships there is a world of difference between these two experiences.

To feel powerful people often resort to manipulation and coercion.

To be powerful is to come from a position of self-knowledge and be able to regulate your emotions.

Clients enter into therapy because they feel powerless in some area of their life. Read more »

Zero Negativity

Zero Negativity - Cheryl Woolstone Counselling Blog

Can you eliminate all shame, blame and criticism?

Are you addicted to negativity? Are you a fault-finder or a love-finder? Read more »

Are You A Flake?

Are You A Flake? - Cheryl Woolstone Counselling Blog Post

Check out this irreverent, smart article by Sonia Simone:

The Complete Flake’s Guide To Getting Things Done

So many of my clients identify themselves as “stuck”, unable to follow through on their ideas, dreams and passions. Big dreamers, poor executors and as a result little confidence and low self esteem.

Learn from Sonia how to stop the “Flaky” and become proud and productive.

You Change First - I Insist

You Change First, I Insist - Cheryl Woolstone Counselling Blog

“Fix Her And Then We Will be Okay.”

Couples often come to counselling with the mistaken notion that if the therapist changes the other person then magically all the problems will disappear.

A shift from right and wrong to an understanding of how relationships are co-created is what IMAGO Relationship Therapy is all about.

Here is what the process of change often looks like. Read more »

Change One Little Word

Change One Little Word - Cheryl Woolstone Counselling Blog

It pays to think before you speak.

You can hear and feel the difference between “I need you to pick up your socks” and “You are so #@!! lazy”.

One version is load and shoot and the other is artful diplomacy.  The art of  speaking so other people listen can be dependent on the change of just one little word.

It is amazing how the choice of a particular word can turn a receptive partner into a defensive, antagonized person. Read more »

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